Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

Jaman gue belom bewokan aka SMA

Sebenernya ini cerita garis besarnya udah pernah gue tulis di blog gue ini berhubung gue lagi pengen nulis jadi gue tulis aja secara lebih ditel.bukan maksud mau gimana2 gue Cuma iseng aja nulis kok jadi org2 yg ada di cerita gue ini otomatis namanya gue samarin ya dan cerita ini gue tulis seinget gue,udh rada lupa juga ditelnya hehe.dan gue gak ngungkit masa lalu juga bener2 Cuma nulis kok,takut aja tar disangka gue gak move on haha.gue ude move on dari jaman bahal kok hahaha dan sekarang gue juga lagi proses ama cewe tapi kalo cerita tentang cewe yg lagi gue deketin gak gue tulis dulu ya soalnya gue lagi nikamatin dulu alur yg dikasih tuhan buat gue hehe.

Kita mulai ceritanya,cerita jaman gue sma......

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Sedikit Tentang "Thomson Reuters"

Thomson Reuters adalah sebuah perusahaan informasi yang dibentuk melalui pembelian Reuters oleh Thomson Corporation pada 17 April 2008.Saham Thomson Reuters terdaftar di Bursa Saham Toronto (TSX: TRI) dan Bursa Saham New York (NYSE: TRI). Thomson Reuters berkantor pusat diMidtown ManhattanNew York CityUSAThe Woodbridge Company, sebuah perusahaan holding untuk keluarga Thomson di Kanada memegang 53% saham grup ini, yang beroperasi di 100 negara dan memiliki lebih dari 55.000 karyawan. Thomson Reuters menjadi "merek korporat terdepan" di Kanada pada daftar Interbrand Best Canadian Brands 2010.

Web of Science adalah produk layanan Thomson Reuters yang memberikan akses bagi akademisi dan ilmuwan untuk mengakses dan mengutip hasil penelitian lebih mudah. Kini ada 12.000 jurnal yang masuk Web of Science.

Lokasi kantor Thomson Reuters:
Thomson Reuters
3 Times Square
New York, NY 10036
Tel: +1 646.223.4000

Sejarah dari perusahaan ini dari tahun 1799-2010 saya ambil dari web resminya,mungkin disini saya tidak akan memaparkan semua sejarahnya tapi hanya beberapa saja karna di web resminya sudah tersedia.


  • Sweet & Maxwell legal publishing founded in London.


  • Paul Julius Reuter, a German born immigrant, arrives in London from Aachen where he has been running a news and stock price information service using a combination of technology including telegraph cables and a fleet of carrier pigeons that grows to exceed 200. This helps Reuter establish an enviable reputation for speed, accuracy, integrity and impartiality. Reuter opens an office with the help of an 11 year-old office boy at 1 Royal Exchange Building in London's financial centre and located close to the main telegraph offices. He transmits stock market quotations and news between London and Paris over the new Dover-Calais submarine telegraph cable, using his “telegraph expertise ”.


  • Thomson Reuters launches a new federal government initiative that will work across the company, developing information solutions and services tailored to the unique needs of U.S. government customers.
  • The Thomson Corporation and Reuters Group PLC combine to form Thomson Reuters.


  • Thomson Reuters completes the unification of its dual listed company structure. The company’s common shares are now listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: TRI).
  • Thomson Reuters adopts International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
  • Thomson Reuters announces plans to unify its dual listed company structure and no longer be listed on the London Stock Exchange or Nasdaq.


  • Thomson Reuters joins the broad-market Russell 3000® Index as part of an annual reconstitution of Russell's U.S. and global equity indexes.
  • The Thomson Reuters Foundation launches TrustLaw, global service for free legal assistance and anti-corruption news.
  • Thomson Reuters launches Reuters Insider, a multimedia platform that delivers programming from Reuters, along with content from 150+ trusted global partners.
  • Thomson Reuters launches WestLawNext research system representing West attorney-created editorial analysis and technological innovation.
